Personal Narrative Essay: All Ready For The Big Tournament

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It started out like any other tournament. Wake up at 7p.m., eat breakfast, brush my teeth, get ready, and put on my basketball clothes on and went to basketball practice.
Shoes scraping the surface of the court, hands slapping basketballs, basketballs merely making it into the basket, i was glad to be in my second home.
I saw some of my teammates and said “are y’all ready for the big tournament?’’
Tournaments are usually a breeze to us, since we win every time. Also after tournaments we go to Cici´s pizza for a buffet. When the coach blew her whistle blared as everybody gathered around as quick as lightning.some of my teammates were still coming in, our coach told them to “do 10 laps around the court.. GO!!!”
Our coach gave us a lot of plays to do. We leaped over objects into a jump shot, then run down the court like cheeta´s, then jumping into our layouts like kangaroos. The coach blew her whistle, and everybody gathered around her. The coach said ¨ good practice everybody to remember to watch some of our game footage, and eat something filling before the tournament. …show more content…

We had been practicing for 5 hours!
Our team headed strait for the door like a herd of bulls in an empty field.
Once everybody said “bye!” and “see you later!” we tried to open the door, but it was locked!
We decided to eat from the concession stand. We had slushies, popcorn, and candy.
We watched so suspensefully on the TV’s for the Dallas wings Basketball winning shot...she shoots...SHE SCORES!
The whole team said in unison “YES!” The team (on TV and us) were celebrating by shoulder bumping and high

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