Personal Narrative: Alternative Spring Break

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As a whole, Alternative Spring Break has radically changed my perception of myself. If not for the physical labor, I would not know how strong I was. If not for the knowledge imparted upon me by people like Abbey or Jessica, I would not be as wiser as I am now. If not for the teamwork needed to get the job done, I would not have made as many friends as I did. Furthermore, if I had not taken this opportunity I would not have made any effort to reach any of the six outcomes that were accomplished throughout this experience. In the beginning, I did not perceive the problems that Live Oak had as clearly as I do now. Yet, a moment helped change that notion. After finishing working on the community garden with Mesa Verde Gardens, I reflect upon who this garden would benefit and was overcome with emotion. This garden would be the bedrock for people that I may never see at all in my life. However, I am fine with that. I realized that in spite of how hard it was in cultivating the garden, it was nothing compared to what low-income families have to face daily in providing decent food to one another. The tanning and soreness of my body was worth it. If at least one family gets healthy food to make a meal for everyone to have, that is a solid victory. In my mind, I feel now more compelled to do more for others whether here in Santa Cruz …show more content…

The amount of legwork that people like County Supervisor John Leopold and Mariah put into their work is astounding. Mariah especially mentions how she takes great effort in convincing the affluent members of Live Oak to contribute towards her projects. If I simply dive headfirst, I would be overwhelmed. As such, I feel that I need a bit more experience and education before making such a huge decision. Thus, I can say that I have not fully reached the outcome in which I can develop a commitment towards community service and activism in the

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