Personal Narrative: Adapting Overnight Food

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Moreover, another aspect of the diet I tried was not eating overnight food, which was a difficult task for me because storing overnight food is a compulsive tendency of mine. Nevertheless, I surprisingly did not store any overnight food during the five days; I honestly thought I would not be able to do it, so that was interesting. It was interesting because at first, I did not see storing food overnight as a bad thing, as I would be putting it away to eat it the next day, and therefore not wasting it. However, in terms of this diet, storing overnight food is prohibited because overnight food “possesses a higher concentration of micro-organisms (for example, bacteria yeast etc.) as compared to food prepared and consumed the same day” (“Jain …show more content…

Throughout the five days, I realized my body was not enjoying the new alterations to my diet. For instance, I oftentimes felt lightheaded because I was not eating the same quantity and quality of food that I am used to eating. I was also constantly hit with hunger pains and my stomach growled a lot more, so that was slightly annoying. Even though my body craved more substantial food, I had to ignore the cravings and drink water and/or eat some fruits to at least somewhat satisfy the need for food. Similarly, the way the diet was affecting me physically impacted my mental state as well. This is said as because I was tempted to eat food I normally ate when I heard my stomach growling or felt lightheaded, but I managed to stay determined and kept reassuring myself with positive thoughts that I could successfully complete this task. Also, having tea bags, coffee, and non-Jain snacks in such proximity to me in my dorm room definitely made me feel tempted as well. Again, I had to constantly remind myself throughout the day that I could complete the task, and to be strong because it was only five days that I had to try this diet. Nevertheless, during the five days I was genuinely happy that I was not hurting any animals and organisms or at the very least, causing significantly less harm to organisms than I usually do. However, I still felt

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