My Eating Habits Essay

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When comparing myself to the average American, I would say that my eating habits fall directly in the middle of the spectrum. I’m not a health food nut who obsessively counts calories, but I’m certainly not the person that eats pizza for all three meals. I have a ton of room for improvement, but I also have a long way to fall, if I let myself go completely. On most days, I seem to eat whatever’s around me, based on flavor and convenience. I eat most of my meals in Tower Dining, my dorm’s dining hall, and there are always several options during mealtimes: some of them healthy, some of them… less so. I typically pick the options that aren’t going to kill me within the next ten years but not the options that will add ten years to my life. My …show more content…

When I walk into Tower Dining, I always glance toward the salad bar and the vegetarian options in the kitchen, but most of the time I pass them up to pile garbage on my plate. I want to eat nutritious food, and every once in awhile I’ll eat a meal centered around nutrition and feel really good about myself, but then that night I’ll retire to my room and eat five cookies and an entire bag of cheesy popcorn. This assignment helped open my eyes to what I was actually eating (and what I wanted to eat when I knew I was being watched), and it did make me want to eat better, at least on the days when I had an assignment. Ultimately, I’ve had enough education to know that eating nutritious food and living a more active lifestyle will give me a longer, healthier life, and I want that because there’s a lot I have to do on this Earth, and I can’t do it all in sixty years. I’m going to need around ninety healthy years, and that’s low balling it. There’s no way I’m going to reach that goal if I continue to eat as I do on a daily basis. The habits I set for myself now will follow me into my adult life, good or bad. I need to make sure that they’re good ones, ones that will create a strong base upon which I can build the rest of my life. Thanks to this assignment, I had to look my priorities dead in the eye and evaluate them. Is the taste of a chicken strip basket really worth all the fat and sodium I’m putting into my body when I

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