Personal Identity

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The main thing that distinguishes people from one another is the personality that is created for them with life. The identity of human beings depends on a number of factors that shape it, as well as continues to change over the years. I believe that the origins of our personal identity and what makes us who we really are is mostly manufacture from our social factors, such as parents or relationships, cultural factors such as beliefs and worldviews, and personal experience we have experienced in life.

When a person is born his identity begins to be shaped by peoples and society in the environment in which he lives.
Some people in a human’s social world contribute to identity formation. For instance, a person’s parents shape their identity through education, values and genetics, which, give a child the basis for his personality. The main features of a person are being created by values and information he received from his parents during his childhood- how to behave, eat, learn and even speak. An additional social side is relationships- friends, siblings or spouses, all contribute …show more content…

The totality of values, beliefs, and worldviews of humans which vary from one person to another have a great influence on the identity and on who we are. A person's worldviews affect his or her daily way of life, the food one eats, learns, speaks and communicates. For illustration, the identity of a person from China and a person from Israel will be different because of the culture to which they were born into and the beliefs they believe in. The person from Israel will probably be dressed according to Judaism, eat kosher, learn the beliefs of religion and act according to his worldview as a Jewish world. The identity of the Chinese will be different from that of the Jew, it will be conducted according to his beliefs, his cultural dishes and his tradition, which is

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