Personal Goal

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Personal Goal
My personal goal as a student at the University of Phoenix is to obtain a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management within the next two years. This goal is very important to me because of the impact it will have on my family, work and personal life. In my family it will set a positive example for my daughters, grandchildren, and youngest sister. My family has been a source of support throughout my years in college as I have pursued this degree while maintaining a full time job. Obtaining the degree will be an accomplishment not only for me but also for my family who has given me the encouragement to reach my goal. I would like for my grandchildren to remember their grandmother as a strong and educated woman.
In the workplace the Bachelor’s degree will allow for a promotion to a management position within Boeing. This will allow me to have a greater impact on the day- to- day decisions made in my work environment. A management position would allow me to make a difference in the workplace, my idea of professional success. In addition, my salary will increase which will allow me to retire at the age of 55. After retirement, if I wish, I could get a part time business management position anywhere. Achieving a degree will enable me to be a woman with the tools necessary to overcome the current obstacles that I’m faced with on a daily basis.
I have been employed with Boeing for 21 years. I have many skills and experiences gaine...

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