Personal Finance

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Parents of Personal Finance My childhood consisted of drumming on everything I could get my hands on and playing Totally Spies with my sister, in the basement, casket room of a funeral home. When I look back, I consider myself lucky. Not because of being able to play games in an unique setting like a casket room, but because I was under my parents wings. My parents occupations consist of a A Funeral Director and a Music Therapist/Band Director. My parents are Chris and Suzette Price, and they have impacted my life in every way possible. However, besides respect, gratitude, and kindness, the most important aspect of my life that my parents have taught and continue to teach me is responsibility with my finances. Both of my parents exceed …show more content…

My goal for college is to graduate with a Masters Degree in Science and the Arts with as minimal student loan debt as possible. I began to narrow my college options. I started with finding the college with the highest ranked theatre program in state and out of state. Thus, my options became narrowed down to attend college at either Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kansas or New York University, New York. I quickly came to a realization that New York University offered the most prestigious courses, and a backstage pass to Broadway itself. However, while realizing that, I came to acknowledge the yearly average of out of state tuition that averaged $52,614 (New York University np). Multiplied by four years, that results to an unimaginable amount of student loan debt that I would have to account for throughout the rest of my life. This price does not include the possible living expenses. However, New York University offers a renowned theater program, a top of the line education, a connection with unbelievable internships, and would let me be in New York City where I could audition weekly for Broadway musicals. This is a beyond tempting offer to anyone who acknowledges the available opportunities of the college itself and outside of the …show more content…

However, I continued an in-depth detail description to enhance my knowledge about Kansas State University. Kansas State University’s average yearly tuition adds to $4,570 (Kansas Statqe University np). When adding in the cost of books and supplies, my full four-year college education would total $19,714 (Kansas State University np). My sister is continuing her education at Kansas State University and our family owns a house close to campus, therefore I would not have to worry about the cost of housing. Kansas State University offers the best in-state theater program and continues to

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