Personal Exercise Program

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Personal Exercise Program

1) Purpose/aim of the programme in relation to prior fitness,

performance levels and any injuries/ health problems.

I think I have a good fitness level and do several activities to

maintain my level of fitness. I play two hours of sport a week at

school. And this sport varies depending on the type of activity we are

doing at school. Lately we have been going hockey and rounders. I play

sports because they keep my heart and lungs fit and active and the

continual playing of sports increases my endurance.

I also play squash once a week with my Dad at the local sports centre

which increases my flexibility, reactions and aerobic fitness,

Health is also about social well-being and I feel happy with the

social circle I am within, and also have a close group of friends and

I am always included. I feel happy and content most of the time and

have a happy and enjoyable time at school.

I attend school all the time and rarely have a day off. I have had no

major illnesses or injuries. As extra activities to keep healthy I

walk my dogs around the local park for about 30-45 minutes, I walk to

and from school with my friends each day and I work from 12:00-5:00 on

Saturdays and some nights in the week after school until 5:00.

These activities are not exceedingly challenging but help to keep my

general fitness good.

I hope to soon start to go jogging after school for about 20 minutes

after I have moved house, as the area I am moving to has a short

circuit suitable for jogging around. I hope to jog this circuit at

least 3 times a week and record the time it takes me to jog the

circuit and to see how well I ca...

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...benefiting from doing the programme. As I am

spending at least 30 minutes on the entire circuit I feel this is a

substantial phase of time for each muscle group to begin working, and

also to improve within.

To work out what the maximum heart rate for my age range should be, I

have to minus my age from 220. I am 15 so 220-15=205. This is my

maximum heart rate. There are different thresholds for different

training zones. For the anaerobic training zone, I need to work out

80% of the maximum heart rate. So 80% of 115 is 92. This is my

anaerobic threshold. For the aerobic training zone, I need to find 60%

of my anaerobic threshold. So 60% of 92 is 55 (2 s.f.) This is my

aerobic threshold. I can use these thresholds to see whether my own

heart is on target with the figures it should be, when doing my

circuit training.

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