Personal Exercise Plan

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Personal Exercise Plan Introduction. A Personal Exercise Plan (PEP) is an exercise plan for which is designed specifically for one individual. I will be implementing one to focus on and improve upon the areas within my general fitness, which I believe to be weak. Also to strengthen my body in order to improve various components of fitness. The reason I will be doing a PEP is because I want to improve my cardiovascular system, and improve my specific sport, which is rugby, I want to work on muscular endurance, and my cardio-vascular system. By enhancing my performance to a higher level I will be able to meet the demands of my environment, enabling me to play at a higher level. I believe I am fit already because I feel I can meet the demands of my environment at club level but I want to progress and challenge myself further. I will come up with a variety of exercises, and activities that I will enjoy because I feel that if I don't enjoy the activity, I won't keep it going for an appropriate time. I will base my exercises around enjoyment. I will aim to do three to four sessions a week including specific training with my rugby, and overloading at the gym to improve my muscular endurance. The reason I want to be stronger is for rugby so that I can lift in the lineouts better and quicker and so I can hit hard when making the tackles. The reason I want to improve my cardiovascular system is so that I can go for longer on the rugby pitch and have an advantage over my opponents. I will use the principle of progression to increase my workload week by week; therefore my fitness levels will improve due to being pushed further each se... ... middle of paper ... ... for hour and a half. 7th of February First session of the day was in the gym at the school and I was doing circuit training, I was not working that hard because I new that I had another session with the East-Midlands Rugby, and I didn't want to tire my self out for that. The session with East-Midlands was hard we played two on ones, this was match situation and we was working out in groups the best way to bet one player with two players this was interesting. It builds up confidence and there is never any put downs from the coach for this more of the "lads" get involved, which make it a better training session. I really enjoyed this session. For the last half an hour we moved on to a short game, which was taxing, because I'm working at a high level but I feel it's better than the Kettering training.

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