Personal Essay: Why Soccer Is My Favorite Sport

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Soccer is a sport that I love. I find it irresistibly better than any other sport. The first time I kicked the soccer ball was when I was five years old. From early on I knew it was the sport that I would continue on playing. Soccer is my favorite sport because I am good at it, it is a very physical sport, and I enjoy the social aspect of the game as well.

As far back as I can remember I have always been good at soccer. My position is a goalkeeper and I keep all the balls out of the net. I love it when people scream my name and cheer me on. My team constantly needs me, and I like it when we are working together. Most of the time, I have what is called “A clean sheet” in a big tournament. This means that no goals are scored by the other team. As I have gotten older, I have become better and better at playing soccer.

Soccer is a very physical …show more content…

I have traveled and spent time with many friends that have become like family. I love it when I see people united and working together. Meeting so many friends from other places is so much fun. When ever I travel to another place the people there treat me really nice. They are so generous and show great hospitality. While traveling in a group, I get to see many different things. Traveling with others and meeting so many great people, causes me to take pleasure in playing the game of soccer even more. Playing soccer has many benefits that make it my favorite sport. Soccer is a contact sport and I love the way that people have to work together in order to succeed. My strengths are used when I am playing this game and being competitive. I feel that I grow stronger as a person too. Traveling and meeting new friends adds a great social facet to the game as well. Soccer is just like a dream come true for me. One day I wish to become a professional soccer player and live out my soccer

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