Perry Preschool Essay

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Perry PreSchool program had positive effect on children learning development, and the program adults at age 40 who participant in the Perry PreSchool program had higher earnings, stable life and involved in fewer crimes. Perry PreSchool program participants were young children from disadvantaged background. The study showed link in early education and success in school and life. The study gives children a chance to explore and expanded their learning development. The early children education has offered results on improve adults’ life, but the early children education approach was not applied widespread. Perry PresSchool request home visits and involvement from children and parent; however, parents’ and teachers’ schedule would not match perfect. Secondly, society believes that parent should be responsible for the children education, and the government provides access to education like public school. The parents have the choice to send children to public or private school, but private was not accessible to low poverty neighborhoods. Therefore, traditional school setting would be more appealing to low-poverty parents. Thirdly, preschool is seen as daycare not as grade level for school. The study has achieved in evidence that early education effects success in school and life, but the early education approach was not applied in …show more content…

Based on the data, 5 years who were in the program group 67% was ready for school, and 5 years old who were not in program group 28% were ready for school. Children are like sponge, so early age children are capable to create long lasting habits. Based on the study children who were 14 years old and in the program were more committed to school then children who were not in the program. Habits and committed have huge impact on children school performance, and Perry PreSchool program showed evidence that early education was

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