Performance Enhancing Drugs Should Be Banned In Sports Essay

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This paper will analyse the field of performance enhancement in regards to fair competition. It will also examine any critical health and physical issues that may arise, and reasons for why drugs are damaging the international reputation of sport. The oppositions view shall also be discussed, including arguments for the benefits of allowing performance enhancements, as well as discussions surrounding the legality of these substances and their misunderstanding. Overall, this paper will argue reasons for why performance enhancing drugs should be banned in sport, and why the alternative option will only have negative impacts on the future of sport. Individuals that support the use of performance enhancements, believe that these drugs will lead to greater outcomes and achievements for athletes. An example of this is anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) which is said to assist athletes in increased their muscular capabilities and overall strength. (Savulescu et al., 2004) Experts consider the …show more content…

Reasons for why performance enhancing drugs are used by competitors are to maximise their athletic capabilities and perform at the highest levels of sport. It can be argued that it is a genetic trait within humans that push individuals to aim for the athletic peaks, and that these drugs will allow them to do so. Dhar et al., (2005) states that society backs the use of performance enhancing drugs, due to governing bodies and anti-doping organisations aiming to eliminate its prevalence in sport, however the rates of drug use has actually increased in recent years. There are however limitations to this perspective of the possible dangers that these drugs can cause, as well as the effects on sport by performance enhancing drugs becoming

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