Perfect Mate Qualities

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The definition of the word mate, according to, is a partner or one of a pair. The perfect mate is something that cannot be achieved but you can strive for. Knowing what characteristics, you like in a mate will help you find someone close to perfect for you. Perfect (free from all faults) characteristics are not what I look for, I look for ideal (most suitable) characteristics in a guy. In this essay I talk about what I look for in a guy compared to what my parents want in a husband for me. I have a couple qualities that are extremely important for my future husband to possess. One of the most important qualities is that he is a Christian guy that loves God with all his heart. This Godly guy has to treat me, my family and friends with respect. It is really important for him to understand my sarcasm because I don’t want someone that will easily get offended. He needs to have a great sense of humor because one of my favorite things to do is laugh. Also someone that will …show more content…

The main characteristic that my parents and I agreed on was that he has to be a guy that allows God to be in the center of our relationship. Another point that we all made was that this guy should be open to new experiences, always willing to try new things. Something that my parents pointed out to me that I think is great is that this guy should love me for all my flaws and accept me for me. I feel like my parents and I have the same general idea for the guy that I would like my future husband to be. I know that I will never find a perfect mate so that is why I’m looking for my ideal mate. Someone who will love me unconditionally, has a great sense humor and has a relationship with God. Through this I have learned a lot from my parents about what to look for in a future husband. I also learned a lot about myself and what I truly want in a guy. I would really encourage you to write down what you look for in your ideal

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