Pay It Forward: Where Did The Car Go?

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“Boom!” A large truck coming head on towards my mom’s car, crashing hard enough to penetrate through six other cars. Is my sister alive? Where did the car go? What’s going to happen? These were the questions rushing through my brain. I remember civilians rushing to get everyone out of the car, a number of ambulances and police cars rushing to the scene, and six cars that were completely destroyed. Civilians grabbed my sister and I and turned us away so we wouldn’t see the deceased bodies laying helplessly in their cars. A mom grabbed her baby son who was severly injured and dying in her arms. The man who caused accident stood there so helpeless and shocked as he saw all the tragedies unfold in front of his eyes. My sister and I stood there …show more content…

As a sophomore in high school, I was able to intern at a chiropractic office geared towards treating individuals who have been in severe accidents. I witnessed so many individuals who had lost their family members, become paralyzed and given up all hope of getting better. This motivated me to step up and bring light to these individuals who don’t get the comfort and encouragement they deserve. As a volunteer, I met with many individuals who began to open up about their struggle with their accident and allow me to be a part of their journey for recovery. One patient, Roy, who was only 8 years old, stood out to me. He had been involved in an accident that left him paralyzed from the waist down. He wanted to give up, for he saw no purpose in life anymore. Just imagine: an 8 year old boy wanted to kill himself. A boy who had an entire life ahead of him was experiencing something that no one should endure in their entire lifetime. Everyday, after work, I would go home, pondering about what had happened that day. My manager and I knew that we could not allow him to give up so quickly, we knew that we

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