Patient Abandonment In Nursing Essay

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Patient abandonment in nursing is an issue that effects the public. The Mississippi Board of Nursing explains “A nurse-patient relationship begins when the nurse accepts the assignment for patient care. Patient abandonment occurs when the nurse leaves the nursing assignment without transferring patient care and communicating specific patient information to an appropriate caregiver. Examples of patient abandonment include, but are not limited to: Leaving without reporting to the oncoming shift, accepting an assignment of patient care and then leaving the nursing unit or patient care setting without notifying the qualified person”( Mississippi Board of Nursing, 2003, P 1). As a nurse, I personally experienced a nurse clocking out at seven, but she didn’t give me a report on the patient. I called the nurse and simply asked her for …show more content…

Citizens of the United States have the right of freedom of speech and to support any cause or event they feel, so why do lobbying have some many restrictions and requirements? My guess is even though we have rights as citizen, we cannot interfere with other citizens’ rights and space. As state in part one of my developing an advocacy campaign paper, some methods I would use to influence legislators or other policy makers to enact my policy are constructing a campaign that consist of monthly meetings, rallies, and I would utilize social media as well for updates and to spread the word about patient abandonment being an issue that has a negative impact on health care. What is lobbying?” Lobbying—a citizens' right to speak freely, to affect decisions and petition the government is a crucial right, and an important part of the legislative process” (National Conference of State Legislatures, 2012). By including and have the support of lobbyists, this helps to persuade policy makers to pay attention to the issue of

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