Passion Definition Essay

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If you ask a little girl “what she wants to be when she grows up”, you’ll probably receive in response anything along the lines of Cinderella, Princess Tiana, or any other of her favorite Disney themed characters. Why she wants to be this person maybe because she loves the dresses the character wears or because she likes the story of which the character is based in. At that tender age princesses and “Far-Far Away lands” are her passion. A passion is something that sparks an interest and excites a person. Everyone has a different passion because everyone is different and something that could interest one person does not necessarily have to interest another. In college every student has to pick a major at some point and most students pick …show more content…

In a report called more than job satisfaction written by Kirsten Weir for the American Psychological association, she states “The 2013 Gallup report found that employees with college degrees are less likely than those with less education to report being engaged in their work- even though a college degree leads to higher lifetime earnings, on average. “(Weir)” The reason people with a college degree are less “engaged” in their work is because people believe that money is going to equal happiness. The more money that a person makes means the more material things he is able to buy which people believe is happiness. So if happiness is money, passions apparently don’t make a person “rich”. However, there are many good examples of people whose passions have made them rich, Steve Jobs, creator of Apple, Bill Gates the founder of Microsoft, or even football coaches like Nick Saban, head coach at the University of Alabama, or Urban Myer, head coach at Ohio State University. All these people were able to turn a passion, whether that passion be computers, applications or football, into …show more content…

In an article in Forbes magazine, written by Susan Adams states that “In other words, work is more often a source of frustration than one of fulfillment for nearly 90 percent of the world’s workers.” (Adams)” Work is a frustration for people because people are bored and not interested at work. They have no motivation to do reports or file papers; they just do things to get them finished. In doing, so people are losing money, because a person who is motivated and enjoys their work does the best work possible. While enjoying work and producing excellent work, the boss notices them, and they are usually the ones who get

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