Essay About Entering College

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Starting college is an intense and confusing event that plagues all recent high school graduates. It is like trying to run when all you can do is crawl, and for many freshmen, myself included, one can get easily overwhelmed by the daunting task of picking a major when less than two months ago some of our parents still packed our lunches for us every morning. The concept of entering college tends to be frequently skewed and expecting an eighteen year old to decide what they want to do for the rest of their lives, without having them actually experiment in different areas, has the potential to create a generation of adults who are aggravated and depressed in their careers. What I am slowly coming to learn and accept is the concept that failure and not knowing is okay because finding out what one will thrive in, is a process that has peaks and valleys but ultimately you have learned something from each of those. Neil Gaiman talks of a concept of “making great art,” and many would define great art as the “Mona Lisa” by Leonardo Da Vinci or “Moonlight Sonata” by Beethoven, however, I think Gaiman ultimately means make and do what you enjoy most because what you enjoy most will, in time, produce success. What is most genuine, what frightens you most and entices a feeling of both fear and adrenaline, what exposes you …show more content…

I am not saying ignore those around you who tell of their experiences, which one can learn a great deal from, just do not let the pressure to earn money or please your parents be the deciding factor of what you do for the rest of your life. Father James Burtchaell makes a good point in claiming that “the choice of a major is not the choice of a career,” it is a stepping stone, an important one, but your major does not define your

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