Parkinsons Disease Essay

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Parkinson’s disease patients effect on motor learning

Parkinsons disease Learning is defined as, a change in the capability of a person to perform a skill that must be inferred from a relatively permanent improvement in performance as a result of practice of experience (Magill 247). For healthy people to learn a skill, they must show improvement, consistency, stability, persistence, and adaptability. However, for patients with Parkinsons Disease, it is not as simple. Bradykinesia, the slowed ability to initiate and continue movements, is a well-recognized side effect of Parkinsons Disease. In Rostami and Ashayeris study, Effects of motor skill practice on reaction time and learning retention in Parkinsons Disease, they investigated whether or not short-term practice could improve Bradykinesia. Patients with Parkinsons Disease frequently spend more time not only initiating voluntary movements, but also more time carrying out the voluntary movements. Thus, the study gathered 9 patients (7 males and 2 females) with Parkinsons Disease and 9 controls (7 males and 2 females) that were healthy and disease free. The participants were instructed to look at their monitor and to carry out a hand-to-mouth reach when prompted by the random stimulus on the monitor. The researchers used the Kinemetrix 3D Motion Analysis System and three markers that were positioned on the lateral aspect of the wrist, elbow, and shoulder joints to record and analyze the movements in three-dimensional space. Though all of the participants were right-handed, they were all instructed to use their left hand to complete the task because in all of the participants the left arm appeared to be more bradykinetic. The purpose of this study was to see if reaction time coul...

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...on that patients with Parkinsons can decrease their reaction time and somewhat increase the speed of the task if they consistently practice. I have seen this first hand and now more clearly understand the importance of patients with Parkinsons practicing tasks on a regular basis. Though patients with Parkinsons may have trouble retrieving how to complete a task from their long term memory, they can practice the task at hand on a regular basis to lessen the effects of the disease when it comes to completing action goals and movements. Stone 3 Works Cited Rostami, Hamid Reza, and Hassan Ashayeri. "Effects of Motor Skill Practice on Reaction Time and Learning Retention in Parkinson's disease." Neurology India 57.6 (2009): 768-771. Web. 20 Apr.2010..

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