Parents Should Be Taught In Schools Essay

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There is a great controversy over the fact of letting parents teach their children or if education should be left to the professionals so students can get a formal education. Although there are many benefits to formal education it should be the parent’s foremost responsibility to monitor and participate in their child’s education. Parents teach their children throughout everyday life. When kids are at young ages their parents teach them how to walk and talk. When a child is born it cannot walk, it cannot talk, and so parents have to teach them. Children are not even allowed to attend school until they obtain this knowledge. Also parents teach their children how to swim. When a child is struggling in the water but wants to play in it and does not know how to swim then parents usually teach them. They would not tell their child to figure it out on their own. Parents also teach their children manners. Children learn a lot by what they see with their own eyes. Even when parents are not trying to teach their children, they are watching to see how the parent’s actions are. …show more content…

Parents should be allowed to know what curriculum the teacher is using. They should be able to know this because maybe they do not want their child taught a certain way that they might think is wrong or too against their beliefs. Also parents should be able to opt-out or choose an alternate curriculum. For example, if a teacher is teaching sex-ed and the child’s parents do not want it to be taught by a teacher but taught by them, then they should have the right to choose an alternate or opt-out of the class. Lastly parents should be allowed to ask for individualized programs if needed. For example if a student is too advanced in a certain subject or if they are falling behind because the class is too advanced for

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