Definition Essay On Child Maturity

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People don’t quite understand kids and what constitutes maturity in them. Kids from ages 8-16 are still developing and are changing their brain from a kid’s brain to an adult brain. When a child is growing up they are figuring out how to do everything and it can be a hard stage for them, but there are ways to help out. The 3 main factors that constitute maturity are that kids mature at different rates, parents awareness of their child and a parent knowing how to best help their child as they grow and mature. One main factor that constitutes maturity is that kids mature at different rates. In the article titled, “The Marks of Maturity”, it states, “We all love it when we see a young person who carries themselves well and shows signs of being mature. They interact with adults in an adult manner. Those kinds of students …show more content…

In the article titled “The Marks of Maturity”, it states, “Susan Peters once said, "Children have a much better chance of growing up if their parents have done so first."” Another thing that that article says is, “This is a result of many factors, not the least of which is well-intentioned parents who hover over their kids not allowing them to experience the pain of maturation. It’s like the child who tries to help the new butterfly break out of the cocoon, and realizes later that they have done a disservice to that butterfly. The butterfly is not strong enough to fly once it is free.” Overall, what this means is that parents need to make sure that they grow up before they try to make their kids. Moreover, that parents need to be more aware of their child's needs and not force them into something they don’t know how or want to do. Parents need to be more understanding of their kids feelings. These are just a couple of examples of the hundreds out there, that tell you that parents need to be more aware of their children and their

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