Parenting Styles Case Study

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Developmental Psychologist believe that parenting styles have a great amount of influence on the development. There are three major parenting styles: authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive. Parenting styles affect how a child responses, self-esteem, behavior, academic success, and happiness. The styles have different characteristics and ways of raising and teaching of children, this will show you which type of parent you are. Authoritative parenting is known as the most “effective and beneficial” parenting style (Bianca Mgbemere and Rachel Telles, 12/10/2013). Authoritative parenting style positively affects a child: socially, academically, and behaviorally (Carol Lloyd). Authoritative parents are similar to authoritarian parents, when it comes to expectations. They both expect high expectation, but more from their child’s reaction and behavior. Authoritative parents set rules, draw the line, and willing to say “no,” but the parents remain calm, patient, and takes their child’s perspective into consideration (Carol Lloyd). They are understanding of their children as well. These parents create the best and healthiest environment for raising a child, and strengthen a parent and child’s relationship (Bianca Mgbemere and Rachel Telles, 12/10/2013). Recognizing if you are an authoritative parent: Does your child understand house …show more content…

The long term damaging effects start when they are teens. Causing teens to get involved with heavy underage drinking (Bianca Mgbemere and Rachel Telles, 12/10/2013). Other damaging effects caused by permissive parents are: poor social skills (aren’t able to share or act maturely), self-centeredness, disobedience to the law, lack of motivation, and no boundaries or filtration to what they say or do. Permissive parents are allowing their kids to step over who they want for whatever they want, without the thought of considering

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