Parenting Infants Reflection

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Chapter seven, Parenting Infants: The Years from Birth to Two described that newborns sleep an average of about sixteen to eighteen hours a day and their cry increase during the first six weeks. It is described in this chapter that when infants cry the number one cause is hunger, but the number two cause is “unknown”, which I thought was interesting because I always hear parents saying that they have no idea why their child is crying but I expected to find an answer in the textbook regarding those “unknown” reasons. The chapter also mentioned that “parents shape infant’s emotional reactions” during their early interactions. Meaning that babies pay attention to their parent’s emotions and they copy those emotions, so if mom is in a happy mood …show more content…

Thompson, discussed the “dramatic” development during the first three years of life. While the book focused on the first two years of life, Thompson shared that there is a lot going on in the first three years of life. The article is focused on the physical, mind and emotional development of a child from birth to age three. According to Thompson, there is a phenomenal growth during the first three years of a child, which in fact “these changes in body proportions help to account for the striking changes in motor coordination, balance, and dexterity that also characterize the early years” (2011). The mind of a child is build from birth to age three through their everyday experiences. As a matter of fact, the article states that “Sensitive parenting—not educational toys or Mozart CDs— provides the essential catalysts for early intellectual growth” which I agree because it is important because when parents show sensitivity the child will have more positive experiences through their development. Even-though the textbook just mentioned that a parent’s task is to provide material giving, Thompson was opposed to that. I understand that is important for parents to provide sensitivity, but I also think that some toys or books will be beneficial for the infant’s

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