Pablo Picasso Research Paper

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Pablo Picasso was born in Malaga, Spain on October 25th 1881 and died. Picasso was many things- Spanish painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist, stage designer poet, and playwright. He is one of the greatest influential artists of the 20th century and is also one of the creators of Cubism. In his early years, Picasso was an extraordinary artist. Throughout his childhood and adolescence, he painted in a naturalistic manner. As he grew so did his work, he started experimenting with different theories, techniques and ideas. His work is categorized into different periods such as the Blue Period (1901-1904), the Rose Period (1904-1906), African-influenced Period (1907-1909), Cubisu(1909-1912), and synthetic Cubism/Crystal period (1912-1919). …show more content…

He became one of the best well known figures of the 20th century in regards to art. Before the age of 50 he was already known for his modern art, he had a keen eye for the creation of art of all type. Before for Pablo there has been no man as renown has he was in the art world, you can not think of art without thinking of Pablo Picasso.
At a young age Picasso was enrolled in a school where his father taught him painting and drawing. It did not take him too long to grasp the different techniques and concepts until he exceeded his senior at the institution. One of his rich relative offer to pay for his training at the Royal Academy of Art, in Barcelona, when he was only fifth-teen years’ old, but he never did graduated from the institution. However, he still perused his art career and was restless witch was a trait that he held on to throughout his professional and personal …show more content…

This piece was known for the abandonment of form and representation. It is the most innovative painting in modern art history. With this new style of painting Picasso finally found freedom, instead of using the current and classical art form, Picasso has made is on path to follow. This is the foundation for what to come known as the Cubist period.
Picasso worked with Geroges Barque, around 1910 to challenge the ideal of orthodoxy of illusionistic space in painting by experimenting with different types of representations. With this came the most influential visual art style of the 20th century known as cubism. The Ideal that art should not copy nature, convincing three-dimensional illustrations of space, challenging viewer to understand the broken down components of geometrics. Wanting to emphasize the two-dimension of the canvas. After his cubism Picasso went on flourish on his own path as an artist and paint thousands and thousands of

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