Pablo Picasso Essay

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Pablo Picasso Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano Holy Trinity Clito Martyr Patricio Ruiz and Picasso was born October 25, 1881 in Malaga, Spain , parents of Jose Ruiz Blasco and Maria Picasso y López . Picasso had two younger sisters Dolores and Concepción , called Conchita , who died at the age of four. Conchita 's death affected Picasso in the coming years in later life . Picasso died in France in April 1973. Picasso 's family was middle class . His father, Ruiz , was a painter and most of his life Ruiz was a professor of art at the School of Crafts and a curator of a local museum. Ruiz encouraged his son and helped him with his art. Perhaps because of his parents work , Picasso had a love and a skill for drawing from an early age . In fact , his mother reported that his first word was pencil. His mother and father encouraged him to dream and both go their own way . "When I was a kid , my mother told me . ' If you become a soldier , you'll be a general If you become a monk you'll end up as the Pope ,'" recalled later. "Instead, I became a painter and ended up as Picasso. " ( Source A) It was obvious to her parents that Picasso had a natural ability as an artist and his ability only grew as he aged .

The family moved to La Coruña in 1891 where his father became a professor at the School of Fine Arts. By the time Picasso was thirteen, his skills had improved so much that he was a better artist than his father . Pablo Picasso, even agreed to this later saying : " At twelve , I could draw like Raphael, but it took a lifetime to learn to paint like a child . " ( Source I) Some said that after this, his father Ruiz, swore off paint. However Ruiz work can be found after this date . At fo...

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...e Stein" and others. The rose period ended in 1900 six as cubism developed.

In nineteen hundred and seven Picasso created a new art style known as Cubism . This is the phase that Picasso is most remembered for and one of the reasons why he became such an important artist in the world . Although many people believe that Picasso created Cubism on their own, actually had the help of Georges Braque. In nineteen hundred and seven Picasso made his most exciting work " Les Demoiselles d' Avignon" . Cubism is characterized by the use of several different viewpoints into a single image . "Coming into the idea that represents an object seen from different viewpoints independently, Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque soon became good friends and they went on to develop the visual language of Cubism , in close collaboration , alliance Picasso times call a marriage. " ( Source F)

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