Ownership And Sense Of Self

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There are different meanings to ownership and and sense of self. Ownership to me is like you own something like you bought it or did something for it. It could also mean that you are taking ownership for what have done like you ruined or hit someone's car on accident. Sense of self is like your all about you self I guess so you only care for what you did not anyone else. So if someone said like they got these shoes from there parents, you would be like you should've worked for them or something. One quote for ownership is, "Once people take ownership over the decision to receive feedback, they're less defensive about it." (Adam Grant) It could also mean that you are taking ownership for what have done like you ruined or hit someone's car on accident. It depends on how you take it, it's just on how you feel or use it in a way because you can use it either way. Then you have sense of self which is like your all about you self I guess so you only care for what you did not anyone else. So if someone said like they got these shoes from there parents, you would be like you should've worked for them or something. If you think of it different then that is fine because that how everyone is. But people would probably most take it the way I said it but …show more content…

It serves as blinders to what may be just a few steps down the road for you. The journey is valuable, but believing in your talents, your abilities, and your self-worth can empower you to walk down an even brighter path. Transforming fear into freedom - how great is that?" (Soledad O'Brien) Alright so ownership and sense of self are similar in many different ways. Like the first way is how they take it or I guess interpret it I guess you could say. Because they could say it one way when really they meant it another way it just depends. But like I said in the other two paragraph they are different in ways. Like there meaning about everything and there different

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