Treachery, Respect And Dignity In Battle Royal, By Ralph Ellison

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Poise Property is a fear people have of losing. Physical property that you own isn’t always safe; it can be taken away in a matter of seconds. Less tangible possessions such as, someone’s independence, ideas, love, freedom, even respect and dignity is worth more of a scare. Dignity, worthiness, is what makes a person who they are. Respect, a person’s quality, is what gets a person to be who they are. Unfortunately, if a person is subtracted from both their dignity and respect, not always will they get it back. In Battle Royal, the Invisible Man says, “I was considered an example of desirable conduct…just as my Grandfather…puzzled me he defined it as treachery” (Ellison). This shows the Invisible Man the admiration he thinks he is receiving.

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