Overprotected Parents Essay

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Introduction These article are about parenting roles and the effect it has on raising our children and the development of a child. In fact, the author research has revealed that different parenting skills can influence a child’s social, cognitive, and psychological growth, which affects children both in the childhood years, and as an adult. The reason being is that children develop through a falling and the parent not rushing to make sure the child is okay this let the child know they will fall and it will hurt for a little while but it they are okay. The fact that parents are in a child’s life which will influence him/her either negatively or positively. This paper discusses some of the issues about being an overprotected parent and the effect it has on the child through adulthood. There are four kind of parenting styles. They are as follows; authoritative, authoritarian, indulgent and neglectful parents. These article made me think about what kind of parenting styles I used in raising my children. The authors made good point about how we are raising our children in regards to the overprotected kid or why are kid going to therapy in adulthood. Because we as parent did to much and would not let them feel hurt, solve problems and would not let them experience failure. HowYour Kid in Therapy This article is …show more content…

Often time as a parent we create more problem for our children by not letting them fall or not letting them feel unhappy. In Dan Kindlon, a child psychologist and lecturer at Haarvard, warns against what he calls our “discomfort with discomfort” in his book Too Much of a Good Thing Raising Children of Charter in an Indulgent Age. “If kids can’t experience painful feelings, Kindolon told me when I called him not long ago, they won’t devlop “psychological immunity.” (The Atlantic

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