Out Of Poverty In The United States Essay

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“People that are in poverty have made poor choices and put themselves there but you don’t see any of them working to get themselves out of it.” This statement is completely false. I know of multiple families that have struggled to get themselves out of poverty and it wasn’t completely their fault. In one family, a man named Michael (Mike; currently age 34) has worked since the age of 13 and started saving his money for a car for when he got his license. Mike was finally able to afford a car and bought one and then he had a child named Alyssa with a lady named Tammy about 2 years later. They had another child named Taylor 1.5 years later and everything was going well, and then Tammy and Mike had began fighting very often and had to split up. Tammy got addicted to doing drugs so the children got left with Mike who worked 45+ hours a week and still couldn’t support the family that well. 4 years later, Mike met someone else named Becky and they had a child together …show more content…

For instance, the data shows that you have a 56% chance of getting out of poverty if you have been in it for a year or less; there’s only a 13% chance of getting out of poverty if you have lived in it for 7+ years. Although there is an abundant amount of poverty in the United States, some of that is taking place in working families. There is approximately 46.2 million people living in poverty and 10.5 million people are working families; that’s 23%. As stated previously, people only end up in poverty because they have a loss of income or a drastic change that has occurred to them. According to the article, “Between 9 and 14 percent adult transitions [into poverty] begin with no loss of income, but an increase in financial needs brought by an increase in family size. Higher earnings account for 22% of all transitions out of

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