Why Americans Remain In Poverty Essay

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Why Americans Remain in Poverty With a country as wealthy and powerful as the United States, according to Pam Fessler, who is a writer for npr.org, almost fifty million American live in the conditions of poverty. With most of these fifty million Americans, they are trapped in poverty due to lack of access to higher education, unable to obtain necessities, or unable to obtain aid from the government. Due to the rising costs of tuition of college, children of parents who are impoverished, begin to be distanced from his or her chance of escaping poverty. With a college degree, someone who has remained in poverty can take the first beginning steps of bettering his or her life. In just four years, this person is able to obtain a higher …show more content…

Moreover, with only having the ability to work on small odd jobs, or low paying careers, around his or her local area, is not enough to help a family to obtain the necessities that are needed for a strong healthy environment. Jo Goodwin Parker shows this in her piece "What is Poverty?" as she states "I pay twenty dollars a month rent, and most of the rest goes for food.... I try my best to use only the minimum electricity. If I use more, there is that much less for food" (Parker 406). With most Americans, they take what they have for granted, like the ability to have running water at their finger tips. For those in poverty; however, they have to focus all mostly everything just not to see his or her children starve when dinner is not on the table that night. Additionally, with the inability to afford transportation, health care is very hard to secure in houses that are trapped in poverty. To demonstrate, when looking at Parker 's story again, after talking about how she cannot send her children to school due to their diseases, she states that" yes, there are health clinics and they are in the towns.... I can walk that far (even if it is sixteen miles both way, but can my little children?" (Parker 406). Also, due to the lack of transportation, parents are unable to travel out further in the search of work in the …show more content…

Though placing programs to help those Americans to get back on their feet, the money that was given to these programs was placed on budget cuts that would limit the amount of money given to each family for the month. According to welfareinfo.org, "an average expectation can be placed on a family of 4 receiving up to $900" a month, which may covers most of the expenses for the purchases of food and the renting of an apartment. However, if that family does not have the ability to obtain additional income, then the nine hundred dollars for a whole month will never help his or her family out of poverty. Additionally, for someone that has worked in a grocery store, a cashier can get a sense of average price to feed a family of four, which can be estimated between two-hundred and three-hundred per week. Especially with the cost of rent on top of grocery prices, it can really cause a family a lot of problems. To demonstrate these points, when looking back at Jo Goodwin Parker 's piece, "What is Poverty?", she provides a good idea of why poverty can be so painful: "it was, and is, seven-eight dollars a month for the hour of us; that is all I ever can get. Now you know why there is no soap, no needles and thread, no hot water, no aspirin, no worm medic.... none of these things forever and ever and ever" (Parker

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