Our Nursing Adventures

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The adventures of attending nursing school can be immensely overwhelming. But despite the challenges it produces many incredible nurses. Today’s challenges are those who enter the nursing profession – there are basically 2 types of people who enter the nursing profession. Those who have a passion and the compassion to help people, and those who enter for the financial, and job stability that come with the career.
Attending nursing school one should be prepared for some major time in your studies, absorbing and learning a new language, medicines, biology and anatomy. The up all night studies for the quizzes and exams. Making and studying index cards for the human bone structure, muscle groups, human organs and functions, and pharmacology. Learning to stick people to draw blood or insert IV’s. Each challenge cascades or builds up to the next stage of our education. But those of us who overcome and rise up to these challenges ahead of us have great rewards waiting ahead of us in our chosen profession.
In nursing school we are always learning, always evolving. But we are evolving at the...

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