Oral Health Care Delivery in India

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Oral health care delivery is one of the determinants of oral health. In India, where 21.9% population is living below the poverty line, with no separate budget, insurance, policy and national programs, oral health care is delivered by a mix of public and private sector providers. Unequal distribution of dental personnel, variation in quality of care between government and private sectors and affordability of oral health care are major challenges involved. A rapid growth in the dental market, dental tourism and an increase in oral health care awareness are some of the positive aspects of oral health care delivery in Indian scenario. Introduction: India is an emerging economy with the population more than one billion. The basis for the organization of health services in India through the primary health care was laid by the recommendations provided by the ‘Health Survey and Development Committee’ (Bhore Committee) in 1946.5 Since then, with a gradual increase in economy, technology, literacy rate, insurance schemes and various reforms in health policies have brought enormous improvements both in public and private health sectors. Oral health is an essential component of general health. Recognizing this a fact, in the last twenty years, there has been an increase in the number of dental colleges, dental personnel, and oral health care products at multilevel in Indian markets which has all lead to an increase in awareness, and demand for oral health care. However, there has been a growing concern with a rise in prevalence of oral diseases. Therefore, this review of literature was done, with an objective to improve our knowledge on the prevalence of oral diseases, existing modes, positive and negative aspects of oral health care del... ... middle of paper ... ... 2013; 3 (2): 171-178. http://www.cibtech.org/jms.htm [accessed 3 Nov 2013] 4. Ahuja NK, Renu Parmar. Demographics & current scenario with respect to dentists, dental institutes and dental practices in India. Ind J of dent sciences 2011; 3(2): 8-11. http://www.ijds.in [accessed 3 Nov 2013] 5. Yeravdekar R, Yeravdekar VR, Tutakne MA, Bhatia NP, Tambe M. Strengthening of primary health care: Key to deliver inclusive health care. Indian J Public Health. 2013 Apr-Jun; 57(2):59-64. 6. Bali RK, Mathur VB, Talwar PP, Chanana HB. National oral health survey and fluoride mapping; 2002-2003. India, Dental Council of India, New Delhi; 2004. 7. Available from: http://mohfw.nic.in/ [accessed on 8 October 2013]. 8. Available from: http://www.dciindia.org/index.aspx [accessed on 30 November 2013]. 9. Available from: http://planningcommission.nic.in/ [accessed on 3 November 2013]

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