Dental Caries: The Life's Disease, By Rugg-Gunn

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Dental Caries Disease Humans only get one set of adult teeth after losing all of their primary teeth therefore, it is important to take care of them. “Dental caries: Strategies to control this preventable disease” is an article written by Rugg-Gunn, Andrew presents several reasons why dental decay is a widespread disease. Rugg-Gunn cites that the main cause of dental decay is lack of fluoride, poor diet, bacteria from plaque, and sugars. Based on this evidence, Rugg-Gunn concludes that “dental caries can be prevented” (Rugg-Gunn128), but there is no evidence of stopping the disease from happening. While Rugg-Gunn raises a revolving problem around the world with human oral decay he however, does not have a good approach on what decay really is. I would like to push back on the claim that a cavity is a disease, but I did find it interesting that fluoride fights against dental caries and I enjoyed that my attention was held up with the culprit of decay comes from sugar and bacteria from plaque. …show more content…

The author made it sound as if you have a cavity you have a disease. A cavity starts out as a small hole in a tooth and gets bigger if it is not treated however, it can become abscessed, with that being said, an abscess it is not a disease, it is a localized pocket of pus (infection). Dental caries can be removed and treated with a filling. A disease of the mouth is called periodontitis and that is an oral disease of the gums that “effects nearly half of the United States population” (American Dental Association 2015). Periodontitis comes in stages of mild, moderate, and severe, it is a disease you can maintain with good oral care but can never be

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