Online Recording Industry

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In the article, “The Internet will Suck All Creative Content out of the World,” David Byrne clearly expresses his concern about the future development of music industry under the shadow of online streaming popularity. Byrne admits that, even though the online streaming apps such as Spotify and Google Play gives many start-up bands and emerging artists the chance to let the public know them, the way these apps operate, especially the amount their users are charged, throttles many musicians’ careers. Byrne explains that, since apps like Spotify give their users limited access to listen online without payment, and free access to download all the songs by charging only monthly fees, musicians who are thriving in the community but need financial …show more content…

However, I am a Spotify premium member too and I appreciate its service. I acknowledge Byrne’s concern about music industry, and I do emphasize it, but Spotify, Google Play, or any other streaming tools are enriching the industry right now. Since now all sounds, tracks, albums and mixtapes are produced and disturbed in digital format, the productivity has been greatly raised because the process is much faster. Streaming tools like Spotify is amplifying the industry of music, not killing it, and what makes the difference is the way the industry functions. Even though many aspiring musicians are compromised with less money for their productions, they are paid back with broader exposure and easily reaching masses. They have a better chance to expand their musical horizons and start concert tours to advertise their names. In other words, for many artists and musicians, records and profits are not their first concern because what important to them is to broadcast their voices to the world. To be honest, being a creative musician is always challenging. It drains not only your creativity but also your flexibility to adapt the trend, and online streaming tools are the future because the influence of internet isn’t fading away anytime soon. Thus, Spotify would not kill music. It would force music business to evolve, but there are always dedicated musicians stand out, grab

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