On Being An Atheist Argumentative Essay

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Questions of God’s existence has long been discussed and studied for many, many years. Theist and Atheist question the fundamental question of belief: how do we know that there is a God? As usual, the question of proof is always displayed? How can we or anyone prove that there is truly a God? Without taking a theological, or Biblical approach, can we philosophically argue that God is real? Furthermore, a heavily debate question of God’s existence is: If God is real, why is there so much evil in the world? That is a question that many theist do not even know the answer to and may never be fully discoverable. Researching and studying this questions is beneficial in knowing how to approach the question when asked. H.J. McCloskey, author of the article “On Being an Atheist”, took the atheistic approach to answering the theistic …show more content…

McCloskey argued that the “mere existence of the world constitutes no reason for believing in such a being”. Evans and Manis (2009) argues the existence of God due to the objects of the universe (p.69). It is expressed that there is no natural reason that objects exist. The ultimate argument is that “a necessary being is the only kind of being whose existence requires no further explanation of a contingent being” (Evan, 2009, p.69). All objects or things come from something, therefore, the cause of the universe is imperative to argue against McCloskey. McCloskey (1968) also claims that the cosmological argument “does not entitle us to postulate an all-powerful, all-perfect, uncaused cause”. Evans (2009, p.77) enlighten his standpoints of the cosmological arguments in response to McCloskey. We can argue that the cosmological argument does not include all important aspects; however it is relevant to the conclusion that there is a God. Furthermore, everything is caused by something which we cannot deny the theist belief that God is the creator of the universe and everything in

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