America took on one of the greatest army two times for one thing, independence. The War of 1812 was pointless. Many leaders and conflicts came out of this war for many different reasons. When the war ended the war was neither won or lost by either side. Land went back and forth, but in the end no land was either won or gained. To be a leader you need to be brave and determined. Commander Oliver Perry showed both during the Battle Of Lake Erie. Oliver Perry lead nine American ships against six British ships on The Lake Erie. Oliver also showed determination when Lawrence, the ship he was on at the beginning of the battle crashed. Oliver Perry then went to another ship named Niagara and went straight to the British line. Another Leader known …show more content…
Some groups of people choose to act when they want something. The British wanted to take over American land so they tried to take down or capture major cities. One city that they captured was Washington D.C., they then burned down the capital. The Americans also were motivated to act when they wanted more land like Canada they even started a war. The Americans were in no shape for battle because they did not have many troops. The British also wanted to take land like America over again so they also started a war. America and British wanted the land so badly that they did not think about what was going on. American were in no shape for battle and the British were in two wars at the same time until the Napoleonic War ended. So the War was a bad idea, but their greed took over. Some People are motivated to act when they need something. Just like the British who needed sailors desperately. During the war with Napoleon some of their soldiers were missing, killed, and captured. So they took American ones for themselves. Americans needed land for their country to grow and develop so they were motivated to attack the British for their land they both “needed”. The British need the French to be weaker with less supplies so they could not Fight the war. So they cut off American trade to the french and almost all foreign countries trying to trade with
The War of 1812 was fought between the United States and England. Ending in 1815 with the Treaty of Ghent, the war did not accomplish any of the issues it was being fought over. For the US, the War of 1812 seemed to just be one failure after another. Although the military suffered great failure during the war, these were the direct consequence of the failure of the citizens to unite for the causes of the war. Because of these failures, it is quite valid to call the War of 1812 "America's worst-fought war".
The War of 1812 otherwise known as the “Forgotten War”, was a three year military conflict between America, Britain and their Native allies. It was a relatively small war that arguably shaped a continent for centuries to come. Around the time of 1812 there was tension in and around America because of several controversial acts that Britain had passed out. Because of the Napoleonic Wars Britain had a “You are either with us or you are against us”, approach to other nations. However the British did whatever it took to get out of a war however that could not happen because of what they were doing. The British had forgotten America after the war of Independence and didn’t regard them as a powerful Nation. Their focus was on France however America managed to tangle themselves in this conflict between the two Nations by trading with the French. America wanted to make some money off France and had engaged in trade a while back. The British, because of their approach of dealing with other nations, had set up an embargo that made American ships pay a duty to the British before they could trade with the French. They had also engaged in what was called impressment in which they would take men of American ships, if the men had even the most vague connection to Britain they would take them hostage and put them on their own boats to go to war for the British. Theses acts angered the Americans and they wanted to go to war with Britain so a new breed of congress and government were put in place. They were called Warhawks, these men were more aggressive and were known to act before thinking. The Battle of Profits town had most probably been the tipping point for going to war, when Sir Governor William Henry Harrison and his militia had attacked P...
The victory of the War of 1812 was a huge leap toward America becoming its own nation because of the national unity the win provided its citizens. The morale of the citizens lifted greatly because they managed to defeat the greatest military powers of the world and managed to survive. It also proved to the world that the american nation could defend itself from foreign threats. The victory improved America’s self confidence and faith in the military to defend the natiosn freedom and honor.
The British were the culprits that started this war. The fact that Britain and France were at war highly affected the start of the battle. “…the British were impressing American seaman to help fight the war against Napoleon”. They had been helping the Indians by giving them weapons and helping them “attack the frontier”, they hadn’t left our property and fort...
During the 1700’s the Britain Colonist decided to declare war against Great Britain. The war began due to friction between the British colonists over the King's policies. The colonist eventually lost their patience and started a revolution. High taxes, and no religious freedom led the colonist to fight for self government.
In fact, many Americans did not want war, but instead just wanted to have the same rights as a British man. They felt like their rights were being abused and the only way left to fix that problem was war. The division between the British Empire and her colonies was brewing. Things started to look up when the Stamp Act was repealed.
After the U.S gained their independence form Britain, they faced the greatest obstacle that would threaten their independence. This was a second war fought against Great Britain called the War of 1812. The war was fought on land and on sea and lasted almost three years. There were many forces that led Americans to declare war on Britain in 1812.
The war of 1812 was not worth fighting for because the cause of the war is that the War Hawks were confident the United States would achieve a quick victory over the British, so they went to war.Another reason why the war of 1812 was not worth fighting for is the cost of this war was too high priced.Also why the war of 1812 was not worth fighting for is the treaty of ghent the treaty of ghent is a treaty that offers a peace agreement and it didn't change any existing borders.In the war of 1812 I think that it hurt people they
Great Britain emerged from the Treaty of Paris triumphant; France had been chased out of most of North America and Britain had won control of the eastern third of the continent. However, while the war was a military success, its effects caused trouble for Britain and its American colonies. The war had altered the political and economic landscape, and the changes opened an ideological divide between the two peoples that caused the Colonists to question their ties to Britain. So while the French and Indian War was a success militarily for Great Britain, it brought about the beginnings of the American Revolution.
Although America did not win The War of 1812, due to the Battle of Lake Erie, they did not lose it. The war was caused by the impressment of American soldiers, blockades on American trade, and Indian slaughters on the American frontier. James Madison launched The War of 1812 so that the United States would not be taken advantage of, but by doing so, he took on an army fifty times bigger than his own. When it looked like America would lose the war, Oliver Hazard Perry turned the tables and won the deciding battle that allowed James Monroe to sign the Treaty of Ghent and bring peace to the two countries. Although the original conflicts were not solved, they dissipated over time. The War of 1812 may not have solved many problems, but it proved to American’s that they could stand together and prevail over injustice.
The War of 1812 was a war between Britain and the United States fought primarily in Upper Canada. It had many causes, few which involved British North America. The results of the war include the fact that there was no clear winner or loser among them. The only real losers in the situation were the Natives in the region. They were driven out of their lands and customs. None of the borders was changed by the war, though many attempts were made. The Treaty of Ghent, which ended the war, did nothing to advance the state of the countries. It went so far as to end the war and put things back the way that they were, but the main causes of the conflict were not addressed or dealt with. In order to evaluate the significance of this war, Canadian victories and losses, as well as overall results, must be analyzed.
The War of 1812 was fought between the United States and Great Britain from June 1812 to the spring of 1815 (Findling, 15). When the war began, it was being fought by the Americans to address their grievances toward the British, though toward the end, the issues eventually were unjustified and reasons manipulated. There is no single cause for the War of 1812 but instead, several related causes, such the influence of the War Hawks, the impressments as well as the Embargo and Non-Intercourse acts, and the British's possible interference with the Indian Nations, and land ownership disputes between the Natives and Americans, ultimately leading to the Battle of Tippecanoe.
...colonist was taxed and oppressed by the British government. To list each reason that the colonists had to start a war with Britain would be impossible, but the main, igniting reason was that the British taxed and oppressed the colonists. Without the taxation of the colonists, the American Revolution would never have begun, and perhaps the world today would look very differently.
Was the War of 1812 really worth fighting? Beforehand, Britain began stopping American ships to look for British deserters, soon they began to impress American citizens on those ships. Britain decided to end the policy, unfortunately, that news never reached America in time. By the time it did America already declare war on Britain. In 1814, American and British representatives met to sign a peace agreement, The Treaty of Ghent. This treaty didn't do anything but allow peace between the two and end the war. The news of the treaty signing didn't reach the United States. One last battle took place, Battle of New Orleans. That battle leads to the American victory, leaving hundreds of British soldiers dead. The American citizens felt a new sense of respect and patriotism after the war. The War of 1812 was worth fighting forAdditionallyand it did help the young America.
To be a leader you need to be able to inspire others, get people motivated, and set an example to other people. A leader needs to do all of these because if one of these aspects fails people don’t look at the leader...