Oh The Places You Ll Go Analysis

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Author Francise Prose, makes an argument that essentially states her belief that literary works should not be used for teaching values. Life’s values often come from various avenues but for readers these values are taught through literature. For ages, the work inside of literary work has taught readers values. Many of the books, the audience might have read since childhood, taught that peculiar person something. Readers also read books to explore the life of these historical fictional and non-fictional characters. With no value the novels, plays, and poems readers would find no interest. For centuries the work in literature has evolved, many of the works still follow us today. Children tend to have a particular book that they enjoy, some even teaching the younger readers a valuable lesson that will continue to stick with them. Oh, the Places You’ll Go! by Dr. Suess is great evidence for my argument. This book shows children, even young adults, Life’s values and that life will definitely not …show more content…

At some degree I can see where she would make such an argument, the way an author writes can seem to bore teens or un-germane. But to have such harsh criticism on Maya Angelou’s writing was very appalling and bold. Prose criticizes Angelou’s story and makes a spiteful comment towards teachers and says that she can see why it might appeal to the “lazy or uninspired teachers”. Francise Prose absolutely stirred up some emotions with her comments, maybe she cannot understand or find Angelou’s worthy to her insatiable style because she has no similarities to an African American young lady that was raped and disowned by other humans. A reader will find a story “boring” if there are no similarities with their own personality or interest. So to say that she’s not too sure if literature should teach values because she didn’t find interest in a couple of books unjustifiable reason to

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