Observation Report Early Childhood Children

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• I choose to observe at the Central Village Child Care Center in Warrensburg Missouri. In this facility, all children were separated by rooms. Each room was labeled with the age group of each child, ranging the children from infants to 3rd grade. I entered a dark room where four individuals slept peacefully before me. The room was small, which consisted of five tannish, brown cribs that stayed alongside the wall. As I first entered the room there was a soft rocking, cushioned chair to rock the infants to sleep. Behind the rocking chair was a window with blinds that seemed to be worn and torn. In the furthest corner of the room there was a sink with cabinets above to keep supply’s and next to that was a changing table. Located in the center of the room was a play area, a soft blue mat was …show more content…

• Gross Motor: Gross Motor Development allows a child to gain balance and bring large muscles under control to master physical activities such as sitting, crawling, walking, running, climbing, jumping and generally enjoy all that his body allows him to do. While observing, I could notice that K1 compared adequately to the gross motor skills milestones of children within her age range, as this was K1’s strongest development area. K1 is 8 months and can push up, using his arms in a push up position. K1 is comfortable while being on his stomach; however, he gets upset when he rolls over on to his back because K1 is unable to get back over. Another way in which K1 is developing his gross motor skills is the use of his mobile abilities. By 8 months of age, a child should be able to roll from stomach to back; on tummy, pushes on hands and can draw up his or her knees. Later, emerging skills consist of learning to sit up without support using arms to lean

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