Obesity Research Paper Outline

527 Words2 Pages

Obesity is on the rise, and it affects both adults and children, predisposing us to heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Most people are aware that exercising and eating a healthy diet is important for health and weight control, but there is something else to consider, Obesogens. Obesogens are endocrine disrupting chemicals (food additives, artificial colors, hormones and preservatives) that change the way fat is metabolized in the body, and increase weight gain. By imitating the hormones in our bodies, endocrine disruptors alter their normal function. Have you tried to loose weight unsuccessfully? Do you find that you are exercising and limiting your calories yet feel frustrated because the weight won't come off? If so, obesogens may be preventing …show more content…

COMMON OBESOGENS 1. Atrazine-found in our water supply. 2. BPA's-found in plastics. 3. PVC-found in household items and shower curtains. 4. PFOA-found in microwave popcorn and nonstick pans. 5. Antibiotics and hormones fed to animals. 6. Herbicides and pesticides. 7. High fructose corn syrup. WAYS TO AVOID OBESOGENS 1. Avoid processed foods since they contain preservatives and chemicals. 2. Choose grass fed, organic lean meats to avoid consuming antibiotics and hormones. 3. Avoid using nonstick pans. 4. Install a water filter. 5. Try using essential oils instead of air fresheners. 6. Pack kids lunches in paper or waxed baggies instead of plastic. 7. At the supermarket, ask for your meat to be packed in brown paper instead of plastic. 8. Avoid canned foods, since cans are coated inside with BPA. 9. Never microwave food in plastic containers. 10. Store leftovers in glass containers instead of plastic. 11. Avoid drinking out of plastic cups. 12. Avoid farm raised salmon since it gets it's color from dyes, and opt for wild salmon

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