Obesity Problem In America

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Problem Obesity has been a growing problem in America. With the leading cause of it is in our diet and the kind of foods we part take of everyday and they lifestyles that we all choose to live. The everyday habits and practices, that have been imbedded our every day routines. The American routine has become so lazy and self reliant on getting what we want and need at an instant that it has caused us to be over weight. We have all become so used to getting instant gratification, that it has been imbedded in our head that, why work for to get our food when we can go to a restaurant of our choosing and just pick out food. Especially with such a fast growing society that we live in everything moves so fast, We are all expected to keep up with …show more content…

There is nothing wrong with eating 3000 calories a day as long as you are able to burn it off. In order for our bodies not to gain excess fat, we have to be able to moderate our eating habits. What you put in is what you get out, as well. Understand that eating 300 calories in burger is different from eating 3000 calories in vegetables. This is where people have it all wrong. What society tell us is that as long as you work out, you can loose weight and maintain your figure and not become obese. See that the problem, working out and doing exercises can on get you so far in life until even then your body struggles to digest meat. Beef, the most consumed product in the American diet, takes at least 33 hours for it to be digested. Now if food is taking taking that long to be digested down our systems, what our bodies do is also sets aside a lot of those calories in the beef and stores them into fat for later. Versus if we ate vegetables where our bodies can process and digest the fibers, we are able to get the needed calories in our bodies. On top of that vegetables do not stay in our systems for 33 hours. Helping our bowl movements to be a regular. All proper dieting is, is moderation and the foods you choose to put into your mouths. The more junk food you put in the more junk you become ad the more junk your body is. The healthier and the better the food. Not only helps with …show more content…

With us being too busy with work and too busy with school its overwhelming. Now the average person is set to work 8- 12 hours a day and is to do so 3-5 days out of the week. With all of our time being used up each and every day it is tough to keep a schedule where you allow yourself to be able to workout. Not just that where most jobs require us to sit down at a desk for hour does not help with, the obesity issue that we have In America today. With obesity rates in each state stagger from a 30 to 35% in adults today in the united states. That number continues to grow because of our busy lifestyles, we don’t add exercise to it. each year the numbers staggers more and more. Obesity now increases the chance for more adults to get type 2 diabetes and cancer due to being over weight and not exercising. Scientist have now predicted that by 2030, 44% of each state will be obese. At this constant rate that we are on it gives us 7.9 million new cases of type 2 diabetes occurring in each person each year. with this it will add 666 million more dollars in medical cost for people who are obese. In children alone the obesity rates have also increased to 30% of each state being obese for each child ranging from the age of 10 to 19 years of age in each state. With this number also increasing each year, we can now see the importance of educating our children and motivating ourselves to go and take time to do short workouts each day,

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