Exercising Exercise

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Exercising is a popular activity for people around the world, but many people exercise indoors when they should be going outdoors for added benefits. Exercising outdoors can make people more committed to a workout program than an indoor workout plan, and their motivation levels increase (Lacharite-Lemieux, Brunelle, & Dionne, 2015). Working out outdoors will improve a person’s overall psychological (mental) health, more so than normally exercising, which already has psychological and physiological benefits (Hug, Hartig, Hansmann, Seeland, & Hornung, 2009). Obesity rates in America are high and getting people to stick to an exercise program would help fight unhealthy obesity (Gladwell, Brown, Wood, Sandercock, & Barton, 2013). Finally, if a …show more content…

Obesity rates in North America are appallingly high; all states in the USA report over a fifth of the adult population being obese and over a third in some Southern states (Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama) (The State of Obesity, 2016). Eighty percent of adults from the USA do not meet the government’s minimum recommendations for physical activity. The government health guidelines state that adults should aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise weekly (health.gov, 2008). Obesity can lead to diabetes, cardiovascular problems, low self-esteem, and other health issues. Physical activity has physiological health benefits (muscle growth, cardiovascular health, and more), and psychological benefits (escalated energy, reduced stress, and higher self-confidence) (Association for Applied Sports Psychology, 2016). Unfortunately, over a quarter of American high school students are overweight or obese (The State of Obesity, 2016), and this will set a standard for them for the rest of their life. Campaigns promoting exercise and outdoor exercise should target youth and should put additional work into the Southern states, which are statistically the …show more content…

Exercising outdoors will increase one’s adherence to physical activity. People’s fascination and attention increases when outdoors, which will raise their motivation to exercise. Statistics prove that people today in North America are going outside and exercising less, so the extra motivation is needed. Promoting exercise is one of the best ways to combat obesity, and outdoor exercise should be a priority. One can also find mental health benefits from exercising outdoors; such as higher feelings of restorativeness, which reduces stress. If runners choose to run outdoors, they will have greater geographical awareness. Exercising outdoors has greater benefits than being trapped indoors to

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