Nvcm Reflection

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Thank you for taking time to talk with me Friday. It was a pleasure meeting you both and I really appreciate your guidance. While I shared some details Friday, I hope to give a little context by providing some of my history. During the fall 2011 semester at Montgomery College I enrolled in a heavy course load without consulting my advisor, hoping I could expedite my time at the college. I naively mistook asking for help as a sign of weakness. As a result, I quickly fell behind. The semesters that followed were desperate attempts to recover lost time. Shortly thereafter, my wife accepted an exciting opportunity in Northern Virginia in the spring of 2013. We relocated to Virginia where I continued my studies at Northern Virginia Community College (NVCC). Still determined to get back on track, I ended up overextended while making necessary renovations to make our newly purchased 1906 farm house habitable. (We bought what our budget allowed and if you’ve ever seen the movie The Money Pit, you understand the situation). …show more content…

It felt my plans were falling into place and I thought the setbacks were behind me. In March 2015, however, I discovered several of my courses from Montgomery College would not satisfy NVCC’s degree program. This was contrary to the Veteran Affairs’ advisor’s evaluation when I enrolled with the college. I inquired repeatedly with student services to get this rectified especially given the course curriculum was identical, but unfortunately nothing could be done. Needless to say, I was completely

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