Nutritional Assessment

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The nutritional assessment is a systematic process of obtaining, verifying, and interpreting data in order to make decisions about obese or malnourished patients. It is an ongoing process that involves data collection followed by continued reassessment and analysis of the patient’s status compared with specific criteria. The patients’ BMI, score, risk which is based on low, medium and high. The loss of subcutaneous fat, muscle waste is used as evidence of malnutrition and also a dull, dry sparse hair can signify a possible protein energy deficiency. The elderly is particularly prone to wounds caused by dehydration. Gandy (2014) highlights four main causes of malnutrition as altered nutrients intake, impaired digestion or absorption and …show more content…

Barkley and Sherman (2013) indicated that protein energy malnutrition can prevent or prolong wound healing. However, studies have shown that up to 93% of malnourished people are living in the community and this continues to be a major clinical and public wound healing problem in the UK (Elia and Russell, 2009). Poor nutrition impacts on both the obese as well as the underweight patients. Over 34% of patients in the UK were found to be at risk of malnourishment in 2010 higher than the prevalence in 2008 (BAPEN) (2010). This is an indication that the population of people who are at potential risk of poor wound healing continue to increase. Nutritional factors thought to contribute to skin breakdown due to protein deficiency. The skin breakdown creates a negative nitrogen balance; anaemia, inhibits the formation of red blood cells; and dehydration, which causes dry, fragile skin. Nutrition plays a role in the prevention and treatment of wounds (Thompson and Furhrman, 2005). Horns et al, 2004 emphasize on fluids adequacy to maintain good skin tone and blood flow to tissues to prevent its breakdown (Horns et al, 2004). However, immune function declines with age, increasing the risk of infections and decreasing skin response to temperature, …show more content…

Drugs may either inhibit or induce metabolism of nutrients for wound healing. Medicines designed to calm and reduce agitation may reduce mobility, activity levels and circulation with potential wound formation. Antibiotics often cause nausea and gastric disturbances that curtail a patient’s food and fluid intake (Templeton, 2005). This can contribute to prolonged wound healing. When wound develops, the stage of healing entails correct quantity of nutrients to promote speedy healing (Thompson and Furham, 2005). Posthauer and Thomas (2012) seems to agree with Thompson and Furham (2005) that a hydrated person with a BMI greater than 30 is considered obese and complicate wound

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