Nursing Proposal Essay

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EBP and Research Forum
Surgical site infection (SSI) after pediatric surgery occurs at a considerable rate and increases morbidity and mortality in children (Rinke, Jan, Nassim, & Choi, 2016). In a study done by Cannon, Hersey, Harrison, Joy, Naguib, Galantowicz, and Simsic (2016), advanced practice nurses (APNs) played a key role in enhancing surveillance and prevention of SSIs in children who had surgery. This paper aims to: (a) differentiate research, Evidence Based Practice (EBP), and quality improvement (QI); (b) integrate the use of each into my practice setting; and furthermore (c) explain how they relate to my phenomenon of interest (POI) which is SSI in pediatric surgery.
APN Role
As a future pediatric nurse practitioner (NP), I will be providing a more comprehensive care to my pediatric patients in the perioperative setting. According to Guido (2004), APNs have demonstrated a key role in the ambulatory surgery setting and their existence has helped in increasing operating room efficiency. Moreover, Guido (2004) stated that NPs are valuable because they are well-trained in obtaining comprehensive health history, conducting advanced health assessment and physical examination, and they have the capability to specifically look for signs and symptoms that could possibly affect or obfuscate anesthesia or surgery.
Differentiate Research, EBP, and QI …show more content…

We usually have to look up articles regarding gene mutations when we encounter these patients so we know how to take care of them. EBP is utilized in various ways my practice setting. To prevent SSIs, we only use skin preparation products that are backed up with evidences that prove its effectiveness. Lastly, QI plays a very important role in perioperative nursing. Through QI, we can make changes in our practice and suggest changes to policies and procedures that do not apply any

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