Nurse Mentoring

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I agree that coaching and mentoring should be a core competency for nurses at the graduate level. According to (Hamric, Hanson, Tracy & O’Grady, 2014) the competency of guidance and coaching is an expectation of the advanced practice nurse (APN). The nurses at the graduate level have the education and clinical experience that can foster others in the health care profession, clients and family. Graduate level nursing should show the credible expertise for others to be coached or mentored to improve the quality of care and health. For example, in the clinical nurse specialist (CNS) role, staff education is an important aspect of indirect clinical work (Hamric et al, 2014). The education for the staff is viewed as coaching or mentoring the staff for success. It is my belief that the more knowledge and skill the graduate level nurse has the better prepared for coaching and mentoring others they will be. A formal mentoring intervention will help decrease barriers to clinical leadership (Leggat, …show more content…

As the need for FNP increases coaching and mentoring will be very important for the future of healthcare. One coaching activity I would implement will be to have simulation labs. This would be real life situations where the FNP can demonstrate and learn by experience the skills and ability to coach and mentor others on the higher level. The simulations would be implemented throughout the curriculum of FNP to expand the students’ knowledge. The simulations will be online to give the real life experience. There will be situations with patients, other healthcare professionals and family members with the simulations. A requirement for my current job is for staff to go through real life simulations. I work with the uninsured, homeless, low poverty population; therefore the simulations give the nurses the knowledge of how to coach and mentor the population of patients for better health and daily living

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