Nudity In Ancient Greek Art Essay

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In ancient Greek society, nudity was revered as a natural state of being. In exercise, art, and daily life, nudity was closely associated with the Greeks’ concept of youthfulness and beauty. The era was and continues to be famous for the depictions of precise, idealized anatomy that proliferated sculpture, pottery, and paintings produced by artists from the time. But this obsession with and celebration of the au naturel wasn’t afforded to all members of society. The lugubriously low social standing held by women at the time forced them to assume a more conservative way of dressing, as they continued to be disenfranchised and devalued. Art depicting women reflected this expectation of virtuousness – while art pieces featuring males, whose image as athletic, youthful embodiments of …show more content…

The statue showed the goddess Aphrodite preparing for a purity bath, her recently removed garment in hand, torso and legs bent in the contrapposto position assumed by a multitudes of preceding Greek figures. Perhaps the most iconic feature of the Aphrodite at Cnidus, however, is the placement of her right hand over her pubic area, so as to shield herself from view. This detail became the paradigm for the Venus Pudica pose, the most identifiable continuity between later recreations of the statue. Because of the chosen subject (Aphrodite was the goddess of love and sexual desire) and the nearly immediate renown of the piece (both the sculpture and the temple it was housed in became a popular spot for tourism, and many pieces of writing alluded to it) the Aphrodite at Cnidus was and still is the subject of discussion in regards to its role as a sex object and its intended viewership as

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