Now All The Gospels Book Report

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The Gospels, meaning “good news”, to me are the amazing accounts of my precious Savior, told by different men to different audiences to share the love of Jesus so that all who believe in Him will have everlasting life (John 3:16). I love how each man saw something different or had a different perspective, however, each man knew, loved, witnessed the signs/miracles of Jesus, and believed in Him (John 2:22).
Matthew starts his gospel about the lineage of Jesus the Messiah tying Him to the son of David and the son of Abraham (II Samuel 7:12-16). Matthew is primarily speaking to the Jews, God’s chosen people to prove that Jesus is the proven Messiah. He tells of Jesus’ birth, he introduces John the Baptist, tells us about the disciples, the sermon on the mount, and discusses the “B” attitudes. Now all the Gospels tell about Jesus’ death and resurrection. Several things are not mentioned in the other Gospels, such as; the tearing of the veil in the temple, an earthquake, tombs opening, and bodies of the saints raised. (Matthew 27:51-52.) …show more content…

60, before the other Gospels according to a chart on page 175 in our book, Jensen’s Survey of the New Testament. “Mark writes of the works of the One who came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” (NASB). Although the book of Mark is to everyone, it is addressed more to the Jews than the other books. The book of Mark is not a long book; however, it is action-packed. Mark uses the word immediately frequently showing the works of Jesus rather than His teachings. The facts in Mark show Jesus’ deity and the events prepare us for His public

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