Noncommissioned Officer Essay

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I joined the U.S. Army as a private, during basic training and my first duty station would influence my thoughts and shape my mind of the knowledge a Noncommissioned Officer should possess. As a Noncommissioned Officer you will place the needs of your soldiers above your own, just as it is stated in the Noncommissioned Officer’s Creed. Some junior leaders are incompetent by not knowing how to take care of their soldiers and do not live by the very creed that should help define and shape us as competent and trustworthy Noncommissioned Officers. Regardless of the rank, from command sergeant major to a corporal, they should all strive to know their soldiers, place their soldier needs before their own, and lead from the front.

Do what you are told, be where you needed to be, and you would be fine, that is what I learned in basic training among other things. We had classes about the rank structure and how all ranks fell into place in relation to one another. Never questioned my leadership because they had the experience and possessed enough knowledge to handle any situation which may have arisen, this is what I had learned in basic training. In my mind, since I joined the U.S. Army, I wanted to become a Noncommissioned Officer because of the way I saw my drill sergeants carry themselves also the vast knowledge that they possessed. Always sure of themselves, never wavering, always having an answer for virtually any …show more content…

I was a private and was assigned to first platoon, this is where I was introduced to my Team Leader, a sergeant that I would follow and not question his leadership nor that of my chain of command. As I was integrated into the platoon, I was somewhat afraid of my Team Leader due to the fact that he was a Noncommissioned Officer, I would stand at parade rest when he would walk by or when I spoke to him because it’s what I was taught to do and the respect I had for the

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