Non-Profit Leadership Essay

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Organizational Leadership and management in any organization include the key elements of identity, trust, communication, innovation, and ethics managing. A clear challenge that non-profit organizations (NPO) face is trying to effectively incorporate these elements. On the other hand, they are used effectively by for-profit organizations (FPO) to benefit corporate gains. If NPOs and FPOs were to come together and bring the positives that both organizations offer, they could make a new sector that would benefit everyone.
“NPOs do not have a single personality or purpose, a particular political agenda, or a distinct organizational form”(Lune,2010,pg133). This makes it really hard to regulate these organizations to make sure that they are doing what they are supposed to do. It also makes it really hard to incorporate the five elements of leadership because constant changes in the organization can cause confusion and make it hard for volunteers to know what they are supposed to do and how they are supposed to promote the non-profit.
Identity in both a non-profit and for-profit is …show more content…

“A climate of trust, nurtures employees’ confidence, and encourages their individual development” (Men,2012, pg 6). In relation to the quote when a manager gives an employee a task that they have never worked on before it shows that they trust the employee to do a good job. If a person’s employer trusts them more, they are likely to blossom and grow as an employee, thereby turning our better work. In for-profit organizations when a person is interviewed for a position, the leadership can get a good read on who the interviewee is as a person and as a worker. They can get a sense that they can trust that individual and give them certain assignments based on the level of trust between the employer and the

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