New Year's Resolutions to Lose Weight

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New Year's Resolutions to Lose Weight Year after year, while everyone is focused on the holiday season, many people are also obsessed with “New Year’s resolutions”. The most commonly heard resolution, is the famous: “lose weight, get in shape” line that we have all heard, and many have said, in the past. In order to achieve this goal, one needs a more stable reason than a party hat and confetti for one night. Anyone that truly wants to change their diet and/or fitness level needs to be ready for a long, challenging lifetime of effort. In order to save everyone some time and disappointment, I have classified these “Resolutioners” into different categories that determine their success. Now, your job is to decide which category you fall under, as a result you can decide whether your goals are realistic and worth the effort. Consider your own capabilities and where they fall in the following categories: The “one month/20 pounds die-hard” dieter This is the most common among the “New Year’s dieters”. This person will give too much effort in the beginning to continue this new lifestyle. They are willing to decrease their intake of food and increase their activity level; however, after the first month of compliments and fast losing goes by, they will gradually find their way back to the Hostess aisle at the local supermarket. This type of person need not waste their time effort and/or money on this “resolution”. After all, a New Year’s resolution is supposed to be a goal for at least one year; not just a month. The “I am going to do it this year” dieter This person is the type of person that repeats themselves every year, when it’s time to give their resolutions. They seem to ignore the fact, year after year, that nothing has changed in the fitness and nutrition world. In order to change their appearance and gain a more healthy lifestyle, they will still be forced to get off the couch and put away the Lay’s potato chips. In the same respect as the previous category, this person might as well “quit talking and keep chewing”; because with this attitude, they are headed in the wrong direction down a one-way street. The “I can’t lose weight” dieter This person can also be classified as the “50/50” dieter, because they have a 50% chance of success. Despite their many efforts and change in lifestyle, this person is immediately mislead and discouraged by the numbers that appear on the scales.

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