Neuropsychology Personal Statement

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I am thankful for this opportunity to apply to study at Oxford University, f that it has always been a dream of mine to visit England, it would further my academic and cultural knowledge, and it would prepare me for college. My maternal family is originally from England, so I am interested in connecting to my roots. Although, most of my family left England in the 1600’s to escape religious persecution, I want to explore my English heritage. Furthermore, I am intrigued in this program because I wish to broaden my horizons by experiencing a new way of life, and meeting a plethora of different people, from different places. Therefore, I would be able to learn about new cultures, ways of life, and types government. Studying at Oxford University …show more content…

Additionally, I am interested in how the brain affects a persons’s behavior. Furthermore, I have had a history of concussions and this has sparked my interest of the neuropsychology field. In the past, I have visited a neuropsychologist, who encouraged me to take part in this experience, and these visits allowed me to discover the “ins and outs” of the profession. Moreover, this course would assist me in helping myself and those around me, who have been affected by mental disorders or brain injuries. I believe that I can provide a first hand example of the effect of neuropsychology, while still furthering my knowledge on the topic. I chose pop culture as knowledge, as a minor, due to the fact that it intrigues me. The fact that everyday we are influenced with or without realizing it is phenomenal. I am interested to know what influences me and my …show more content…

Through my knowledge, I am able to help other students to the best of my ability. I am also able to help students through my experience. As previously stated, I have visited a neuropsychologist and have had brain injuries so I can provide a personal experience. In my minor, pop culture as knowledge, I can provide experience because I am up to date with the cultural trends of the United States of America. I can contribute my character to this program due to the fact that I am trustworthy, hardworking, ambitious, motivated, and charismatic. I feel with the qualities I have the potential to contribute a lot to this

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